February 12, 2025

MINA Hair – Woensdag 50% discount at 2nd store location @ Deetalez mainstore!

Mina Hair has opened a second store at a new location @ Deetalez mainstore, and to celebrate, there’s a 50% discount on all hair packs of Wednesday! Perfect for Halloween:

Woensdag is a fun, braided, low hanging, pigtail with optional color strand! There are 3 different color huds available; Natural, Ombres and Highlights. The Naturals come with 77 different hair texture choices, and both Ombre and Highlights have 84 beautiful colors from which to choose. All three have an accompanying Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking and a HUD to choose the color of your strand! Hair fits most heads and has been tested with a few specialty items: Maitreya Petite, Kupra and Lelutka. Please try a DEMO to be certain that it fits your particular head.

TAXI to DeeTaleZ: http://slurl.com/secondlife/DeeTaleZ/149/211/266

While you are there, check out the amazing skins from DeeTaleZ and the awesome clothing of Gawk
Also opening soon at DeeTaleZ: RAONHAUSEN


➠ MINA LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/MinahairSL



Dress: Kaithleen’s Naughty Office Dress
Skin: amara beauty – Callie
Head: LeLUTKAEvoX Avalon
Body: Legacy


MINA Hair – Spook Spook for Dubai!

Introducing SPOOK – the ultimate Halloween item for 2024! SPOOK is a spine-chilling floating ghost crafted entirely from hair. Sounds eerie, right? You can wear SPOOK as-is, but it also comes with exciting extras: unrigged Buns, a face-mask, and even a template to design your own face-mask!

For detailed instructions on how to style and wear SPOOK perfectly, visit: minahair.nl/info/spook.

Choose from three unique color packs: Natural, Ombres, and Highlights, each featuring at least 80 color options! Individual packs are available for just 199L$, or grab the fatpack for 499L$!

Our color HUDs offer both PBR Textures for enhanced realism in Second Life’s PBR viewers and Classic Textures for non-PBR viewers.

Catch SPOOK at the Dubai Event:
Opening: October 20th, 2024, at 1 PM SLT
Closing: November 15th, 2024
More info: https://dubaieventsl.webnode.es/


Taxi to the DEMO at MINA Hair Mainstore:

MINA Hair – Nimue and Chiara (Bloody versions)for The SPOOKY Bounce!

Hello all!I am very honored to be part of The SPOOKY Bounce !

The SPOOKY Bounce is a frightfully fun adventure through a maze of eerie delights and hauntingly good deals. From creepy costumes to spine-chilling decorations! With each stop, find 99L items and treats that are guaranteed to get you ready for all your 2024 Halloween shenanigans!

My items for The SPOOKY Bounce are:
MINA Hair – Nimue and Chiara (Bloody versions)
Both on sale for for 99LD

Be sure to try the demo!

🕷 The SPOOKY Bounce runs from October 16th-31st!
🕷 LM MINA Hair: ​http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MINA%20Hair/145/125/27

The Bounce info:

Introducing MINA Hair’s Melissa (🩸Bloody Version🩸), now available for just 99L as part of The Saturday Sale!

MINA Hair – Juul Essentials Happy Weekend!

MINA is bringing Halloween flair with this exclusive, bloody twist on the fan-favorite Melissa hair. The colorHUD offers 12 unique BLOODY textures alongside 12 normal ones, giving you plenty of options to play around with.

The Melissa hair is made up of 3 main parts:
★ Scalps: Includes 7 fitted bento mesh scalps, perfectly designed for most head shapes. These adapt to your edits via head sliders in edit shape mode!
★ Ponytail: Choose from 4 versatile styles using the styleHUD:
Relaxed, hanging down naturally.
Windswept, fluttering wildly in the air.
Windswept to the left.
Windswept to the right.
★ Bangs: Extra unrigged bangs are included in this special version!
Already own Melissa? Simply redeliver your previous purchase to get the new bangs.

Plus, there’s a built-in physics layer to make the lower ponytail sway as you walk or dance!

Looking to perfect your Halloween ensemble? Bloody Melissa adds that final, spooky touch to your look 🕸️🕷. Don’t miss out—grab it during The Saturday Sale on October 12th and 13th!

Be sure to try the demo!
❢ The Saturday Sale 12 (& 13) October!
❢ LM MINA Hair: ​http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MINA%20Hair/145/125/27

❃ —– The Saturday Sale info —– ❃

❃ —– M I N A i n f o —– ❃
★ All socials and websites: https://linktr.ee/minahairsl

❃ —– C R E D I T S —– ❃
Clothes: S&P Vixen @ Satan Inc
Head: Lelutka EvoX Siwa
Skin: [Simple Bloom] – Shania
Eyeshadow: sacrilege . hayley eyeliner / 6
Body: Legacy
Backdrop: K&S – // Chamber of secrets.

MINA Hair – Woensdag – UBER

Woensdag is our new release for Uber.

Woensdag is a fun, braided, low hanging, pigtail with optional color strand! There are 3 different color huds available; Natural, Ombres and Highlights. The Naturals come with 77 different hair texture choices, and both Ombre and Highlights have 84 beautiful colors from which to choose. All three have an accompanying Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking and a HUD to choose the color of your strand! Hair fits most heads and has been tested with a few specialty items: Maitreya Petite, Kupra and Lelutka. Please try a DEMO to be certain that it fits your particular head.

Uber runs from September 25th to October 22nd
TAXI to Uber
TAXI to Uber Camsim1
TAXI to Uber Camsim2

As always I will place a demo in the mainstore once the event starts.


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Dress: Kaithleen’s Naughty Office Dress
Skin: amara beauty – Callie
Head: LeLUTKAEvoX Avalon
Body: Legacy


MINA Hair – Maya {Bloody} – Fifty Linden Friday

Maya {Bloody} will be out on Friday for Fifty Linden’s Friday!!

Fifty Linden Friday is a sales event that takes place in the creator’s MainStore. Items are marked for 50L on Friday only, and then are placed back to full price on Saturday morning.

Maya is a long straight hairstyle covered hauntingly with blood. The blood can be controlled thorugh the hud to either drip or not drip.. Package comes complete with a FITTED Mesh Hair and all color options. The fitted mesh hair is also modifiable so you can tweak the colors. Since this is a fitted mesh hair it cannot be resized. An additional style hud can be purchased to place streaks in the hair.

Fifty Lindens Friday is October 30th



Skin – [the Skinnery] Ginny
LeLUTKA.Head.Fleur.2.0 (SL)
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.2
Shierak Dress – Bloody White
Gorsimi – Eclipse eyes
CURELESS[+] Valentine’s Heart
Scrapes and bruises Tattoo’s – Izzie’s

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MINA Hair – Eden for Wanderlust Weekend {Special Version}

Eden will be out this Weekend for Wanderlust for 50L!!

Wanderlust is a weekend sales event that takes place in the creator’s MainStore. Items are marked for 50L or less, for the weekend only, and then are placed back to full price on Monday morning.

Eden is very long, sexy hairstyle with a blindfold in 5 different special color options. The fitted mesh hair falls naturally over the black blindfold. A slightly bigger version is included to fit with theSLink Hourglass body. The Wanderlust version is perfectly bloody for Halloween and comes in 5 spooktacular colors! It’s bloody good!

Wanderlust runs from October 24th to 25th


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Outfit Credits:

Skin: [the Skinnery] Ginny (Lelutka)
Head – Lelutka Fleur
Clothes – Salt & Pepper

MINA Hair – Chiara – Fetish Fair

Chiara is our new release for the Fetish Fair .

Chiara is a silky long straight hair with optional mask, hairstyles and highlights HUD! There are 70 different hair texture choices available on the accompanying HUD, along with a handy Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. The optional StyleHUD includes 2 hairstyles behind the shoulders and three streak options! The hair can be worn with the accompanying mask for a sophisticated Halloween or Feisty Fetish look.

The mask comes with the optional style HUD and has 7 options for the main part and 7 options for the beads. There is a little chain under the mask with the option to hide it Main part and beads can be colorized separately with the color picker; amazing results.

This hair is fitted and has copy permissions and is compatible with Lelutka Evolution! StyleHUD/Mask is sold separately.

Fetish Fair runs from October 10th to the 24th

MINA Hair VIP members get 10% Off

As always I will place a demo in the mainstore once the event starts.


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Outfit Credits:
E-Clipse – Gorgo Top Maitreya Black
E-Clipse – Gorgo Pants Maitreya Black
League Skin – Sofia – BoM – Sunkiss
DAPPA – Sacred Tattoo.
LeLUTKA – Fleur Piercing Lip Ashley/Laubert
LeLUTKA – Fleur Piercing Nose Austin/Septum
LeLUTKA – Head Fleur 2.0
Maitreya – Mesh Body – Lara
IKON – Promise Eyes

MINA Hair – Martha – Fifty Linden Friday


Martha will be out on Friday for Fifty Linden’s Friday!!

Fifty Linden Friday is a sales event that takes place in the creator’s MainStore. Items are marked for 50L on Friday only, and then are placed back to full price on Saturday morning.

Essentials and Dip Dye Packs are 50L!!!

Martha is a long straight hairstyle covered with a shawl. Shawl is equipped with a texture HUD that has 8 different choices. Package comes complete with a FITTED Mesh Hair, larger breast version, and a color hud with 30 color options. The fitted mesh hair is also modifiable so you can tweak the colors. Since this is a fitted mesh hair it cannot be resized.

Fifty Lindens Friday is October 2nd


Skin: Amara beauty
Body: Maitreya
Head: GENUS Project
Eyes: IKON
Dress: Just BECAUSE

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MINA Mainstore




Coming October 6th for the Spooktacular popup round of The Arcade we present to you…… Beatriz Zombie Hair!   Boo!   What do you get when you cross a Mina Hair with Salt & Pepper?   A truly Spooktacular Gacha Collaboration.   To see Salt & Pepper’s items for this gacha, look HERE


Beatriz Zombie Hair comes in two different lengths.   The Longer version and The Shorter version, SOLD SEPARATELY.   Don’t forget that each color pack now comes with 30 color options!

Gacha Machine is loaded with:

-16 commons and 3 rares.

How the hair works:

-Pass the vents to get contaminated and CHANGE INTO A ZOMBIE!

-Pass through the fire hydrant to wash yourself clean and return to normal! (Whatever normal might be for some of you :P)

As always Mina has placed a demo in the Mainstore.   Please be sure to demo the hair before you buy it to make sure it fits and looks good before you play the machine.   There are NO REFUNDS on gacha items.