February 12, 2025

MINA Hair – Natalia – FaMESHed X

Natalia is our new release for the April round of FaMESHed X.

Natalia is a beautiful shoulder length silky hair style that comes with an eye mask that has 9 assorted texture options! There are 3 different color huds available; Natural, Ombres and Highlights. The Naturals come with 77 different hair texture choices, and both Ombre and Highlights have 84 beautiful colors from which to choose. All three have an accompanying Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. There is a rigged and an unrigged version that can be worn with or without the mask. Compatible with LeLutka.

FaMESHed X runs from April 10th to May 6th
✦ TAXI to FaMESHed X

As always I will place a demo in the main-store once the event starts.


MINA Flickr Group
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MINA Mainstore


Skin: amara beauty – Claudia
Head: LeLUTKA Fleur
<a href="Body: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/23320078@N03">MaitreyaBody: Maitreya

Clothes left:

Clothes right:
Cynful: Savi

MINA Hair – for Midnight Madness

MINA Hair - Pearl Midnight Madness3

MINA Hair – for Midnight Madness
This gift can be found at MINA’s mainstore (maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MINA%20Hair/58/176/201) on Feb 5th.

Midnight Madness is a new kind of monthly event bringing designers a stress free, fun event, and customers a unique chance to pick up a FREE gift every month from their favorite designers!

Midnight Madness will begin exactly at midnight of the first Friday of every month and only last through until 11:59 pm that night with gifts to be delivered at midnight if all unique user clicks have been met.

More information about the event, and a list of the other participating stores, can be found at www.applemaydesigns.com/p/facebook_06.html

MINA Hair – Jildou for the Gacha Garden

MINA Hair - JildouMINA Hair - Jildou seeds

MINA Hair – Jildou for the Gacha Garden
Opens on November 1st

Every time a player does 20 pulls on the machine they will receive a special gift called “Seeds of Inspiration” (an All Specials color pack)

Jildou comes with a texturechanging scarf. The scarf is mod so you can add your own colors to the lighter version of the scarf.

The hair is controlled by a HUD. Two versions in every pack; one with materials and one without.

Skin: League
Body: Maitreya
Head: Lelutka
Eyes: IKON
Outfit: Maitreya

MINA Hair – Blair for Tres Chic

MINA Hair - Blair 02 S

MINA HAIR – Blair for Trec Chic

A new hair exclusive for the next round of Tres Chic!  Opening Oct. 17th at Noon.
Tres Chic is a monthly cycled event.
SLurl: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Frederika/87/102/2502

The hair is controlled by a HUD. Two versions in every hair pack; one with materials and one without materials.
Each color pack contains 5 different shades.


Skin: Skinery
Head: Lelutka
Body: Maitreya
Eyes: IKON
Dress: Zenith

MINA Hair – Yuliya for Shiny Shabby

MINA Hair - Yuliya for Shiny Shabby

Yuliya is out at Shiny Shabby from April 20th – May 15th! Shiny Shabby is a unique vintage-themed shopping event that brings together the most talented SL designers and delivers skillfully crafted 100% original mesh creations. shinyshabby.com

Hairs include HUD for color options.

Two versions in every hair color pack for each style; materials version and one without materials.

 Each color pack for each style contains 5 different shades.

MINA flickr Page
MINA flickr Showcase
MINA facebook Page
MINA facebook
MINA plurk


Skin: League

Body: Maitreya

Eyes: IKON

Top: Maitreya

Jewelry: Izzie

MINA Hair – Femke Pastels / Ombres for the Dressing Room Fusion

 MINA Hair - Femke pastels
MINA Hair – Femke Pastels / Ombres for the Dressing Room Fusion for L$ 70
SLurl: the Dressing Room fusion!!!! Thes are brand new colorpacks!

You can change the color and texture of the hair by using the provided HUD!
For more information and troubleshooting about this HUD see:

Bikini: ~Blacklace~
Skin: League
Necklace: GizzA
Eyes: IKON
Pose: Diesel Works

MINA – Shoes – High Boots


MINA – Shoes – High Leather Boots

These boots are available in 2 colors at this moment; black and red.
More versions will follow soon.

These boots require a MESH VIEWER.

There is a RIGGED MESH version and a Non RIGGED (resizable) MESH version.
The non rigged version of the shoes are resizeable (also along x / y / z sides). Just click on a shoe to open a popup window and follow instructions.

Click here for a marketplace link to try the demo:
Second Life Marketplace – DEMO – MINA – Shoes – High Boots.

Slurl: Koh Mina Beach


Grand opening of LeeZu’s Hair Affair

We’re just about ready for the grand opening of LeeZu’s Hair Affair, and we’ve got DJ Summerina with her big box of LP’s! Come dance on the rooftops and check out all the great hair from our new neighbors: Catwa, Mina, Emo-tions, Wasabi Pills, Amacci, Underscore, Alice Project, Gauze, and ChiChickie.

We’ll be getting down to business on January 20th, from 1 – 3 pm. The awesome Vixie will be hosting our party and throwing out trivia questions, while the amazing Barbara Nicholls hands out some fabulous prizes. Mark your calendars now, you won’t want to miss this!

Original post: leezushairaffair.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/grand-opening-p…

Slurl: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeeZu/115/156/23

MINA Hair – Jasira for Tomorrow Today

Jasira is my hair for Tomorrow Today!
50 % of my sales at Tomorrow Today go to the fund raiser.
It will start on the 30st of October and finish on the 30st. November.
Read more on: matchbook.blog.ca
Landmark to: Tomorrow Today

There is only one hair in this pack, you can change the color and texture of the hair and hat by using the provided HUD!
For more information and troubleshooting about this HUD see:

Jelery: Amorous (also available at Tomorrow Today)
Sweater Dress: Maitreya
Skin: [PXL] Faith
Eyes: MINA