MINA Hair – Wynona Bloody for Trick or Treat!
MINA Hair – Wynona Bloody for Trick or Treat!
“Trick or treat, smell my feet.
Give me something good to eat.
If you don’t, I won’t be sad.
I’ll just make you wish you had!”
“Trick or treat, stop right there.
Come get your MINA bloody hair.
If you don’t, you’ll miss out.
Of this there is no doubt.”
Mark your calender to visit the annual event of treats hosted by AMD, Essenz, and The Skinnery along with MINA and 19 other of your favorite brands. Starting, this weekend, at 10 am SLT October 29th until 7am on November 1st!
All items will be discounted 75L or less!
Trick or Treat Location:
Skin: YS&YS
Body: Maitreya
Eyes: IKON
Emblazon Bodychain: Empyrean Forge
Wings: [Since1975]
Horns: [CX]
Blood on body and face: Izzie’s
Little bird: HPMD*