Maya {Bloody} will be out on Friday for Fifty Linden’s Friday!!
Fifty Linden Friday is a sales event that takes place in the creator’s MainStore. Items are marked for 50L on Friday only, and then are placed back to full price on Saturday morning.
Maya is a long straight hairstyle covered hauntingly with blood. The blood can be controlled thorugh the hud to either drip or not drip.. Package comes complete with a FITTED Mesh Hair and all color options. The fitted mesh hair is also modifiable so you can tweak the colors. Since this is a fitted mesh hair it cannot be resized. An additional style hud can be purchased to place streaks in the hair.
Fifty Lindens Friday is October 30th
Skin – [the Skinnery] Ginny
LeLUTKA.Head.Fleur.2.0 (SL)
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.2
Shierak Dress – Bloody White
Gorsimi – Eclipse eyes
CURELESS[+] Valentine’s Heart
Scrapes and bruises Tattoo’s – Izzie’s
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