February 12, 2025

MINA Hair – Eden for Wanderlust Weekend {Special Version}

Eden will be out this Weekend for Wanderlust for 50L!!

Wanderlust is a weekend sales event that takes place in the creator’s MainStore. Items are marked for 50L or less, for the weekend only, and then are placed back to full price on Monday morning.

Eden is very long, sexy hairstyle with a blindfold in 5 different special color options. The fitted mesh hair falls naturally over the black blindfold. A slightly bigger version is included to fit with theSLink Hourglass body. The Wanderlust version is perfectly bloody for Halloween and comes in 5 spooktacular colors! It’s bloody good!

Wanderlust runs from October 24th to 25th


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Outfit Credits:

Skin: [the Skinnery] Ginny (Lelutka)
Head – Lelutka Fleur
Clothes – Salt & Pepper

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