Hallo Mina Hair lovers, next in line in the Mina Hair Challenge is
Crazychef Resident also known as Jaxon.
1. Since when are you making pictures in second life and why did you start doing it ?
✔ I started back in 2012 with blogging. I started doing it because I wanted to show off different looks that I came up as. When I started there was not very many male blogs out there to look at. So figured I would start blogging.
2. How many hairs do you have in your inventory ?
✔ 50 give or take
3. Are you a sl red head , brunette , blond , fantasy colored , or do you change every day ?
✔ I usually stick between dark browns and greyscale hair and I usually keep one hair on. Unless its for something then I switch it up
4. Who is your favorite sl designer clothing designer ?
✔ It varies really for me. Some that I really like though are Deadwool, Dynasty, Remarkable Oblivion
5.How many hours do you spent blogging on a weekly basis ?
✔ I honestly have cut back on my blogging big time. I use to do a blog post a day. Got burnt out on that. Now with my real life being busy I try to blog 3-4 a month
6.Who or what inspires you as a photographer ?
✔ My partner Britain Knave inspires me. She really is my driving force. Idk what I would do without her.
7.What do you do when you have a bloggers block ?
✔ I honestly just don’t until I get my mojo back
8.What is your favorite Mina Hair ?
✔ Timmo
9.Who is your favorite movie star ?
✔ Tom Hardy
10.How high is your inventory number ? Are you a cleaner or a hoarder ?
✔ Currently its at 32,862 I am a cleaner and usually keep it to about 25k items give or take.
Thank you Jaxon for participating to get to know you a little bit better.