January 13, 2025

MINA Hair Challenge


Hello Mina boys and girls here the next in line of the Mina Hair challenge

Antonia Millar.

1. Since when are you making   pictures in second life and why did you start doing it ?
✔  Since 2011, when I learned how to take better pictures, and also to manipulate illumination, camera .. I always liked photography, that beyond the second life .. already knew manipulate something photoshop. but with the second life .. though I love almost all kinds of edition. I always liked to edit but not to escape much of that second life is!
And then I started blogging because so many people wanted to know where was my stuff!
Currently I do not so much photography .. for lack of time: /

2. How many hairs do you have in your inventory ?
✔ OMG, this is a really hard question to answer .. My biggest passion surely .. are hair! I have many hairs on my inventory .. let’s say my inventory is currently 152k items, and I basically have 30k or 40k hair! (of course counting on the prim hair, I never got rid :p)

3. Are you a sl red head , brunette , blond , fantasy colored ,  or do you change every day ?
✔ I went brunette for a long time, but about a year I stuck to red! That’s kind of annoying because .. Some stores simply do not do hair in ginger tom, only those strong red 🙁

4. Who is your favorite sl designer clothing designer ?
✔ Spirit now, I really love the models and textures!

5.How many hours do you spent blogging on a weekly basis  ?
✔ OMG, from the beginning of my blog? lol Well I had the most active blog and blog about 3-5 times a week!
Currently I’m out of time, but desperate for blogging .. I like what I do, I like to ride the look, photo and editing .. and see what people like and appreciate my work.

6.Who or what inspires you as a photographer ?
✔ Fashion, love fashion !!

7.What do you do when you have a bloggers block ?
✔ Pinterest!  It is my best inspiration!

8.What is your favorite Mina Hair ?
✔  Edith, OMMG I love this hair! A recent photo had taken with him, goes to my profile .. is the photo below !!

9.Who is your favorite movie star ?
✔ Drew Barrymore

10.How high is your inventory number ? Are you a cleaner or a hoarder ?
✔ 152,629k, I already tried to be a cleaner! But I could not .. then I can say I’m a hoarder, for sure!

11.  Do you have a final message to add to this ?
✔ The times do not stop to think what my favorite movie star! I liked it .. Like a copybook of confidential!! lol
Ty <3


Thank you very much Antonia for the great pictures and your answers.

Antonia Millar on Flickr

Antonia’s Blog

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