February 12, 2025

MINA Hair – Natalia – FaMESHed X

Natalia is our new release for the April round of FaMESHed X.

Natalia is a beautiful shoulder length silky hair style that comes with an eye mask that has 9 assorted texture options! There are 3 different color huds available; Natural, Ombres and Highlights. The Naturals come with 77 different hair texture choices, and both Ombre and Highlights have 84 beautiful colors from which to choose. All three have an accompanying Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. There is a rigged and an unrigged version that can be worn with or without the mask. Compatible with LeLutka.

FaMESHed X runs from April 10th to May 6th
✦ TAXI to FaMESHed X

As always I will place a demo in the main-store once the event starts.


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Skin: amara beauty – Claudia
Head: LeLUTKA Fleur
<a href="Body: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/23320078@N03">MaitreyaBody: Maitreya

Clothes left:

Clothes right:
Cynful: Savi

MINA Hair – Chiara – Fetish Fair

Chiara is our new release for the Fetish Fair .

Chiara is a silky long straight hair with optional mask, hairstyles and highlights HUD! There are 70 different hair texture choices available on the accompanying HUD, along with a handy Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. The optional StyleHUD includes 2 hairstyles behind the shoulders and three streak options! The hair can be worn with the accompanying mask for a sophisticated Halloween or Feisty Fetish look.

The mask comes with the optional style HUD and has 7 options for the main part and 7 options for the beads. There is a little chain under the mask with the option to hide it Main part and beads can be colorized separately with the color picker; amazing results.

This hair is fitted and has copy permissions and is compatible with Lelutka Evolution! StyleHUD/Mask is sold separately.

Fetish Fair runs from October 10th to the 24th

MINA Hair VIP members get 10% Off

As always I will place a demo in the mainstore once the event starts.


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Outfit Credits:
E-Clipse – Gorgo Top Maitreya Black
E-Clipse – Gorgo Pants Maitreya Black
League Skin – Sofia – BoM – Sunkiss
DAPPA – Sacred Tattoo.
LeLUTKA – Fleur Piercing Lip Ashley/Laubert
LeLUTKA – Fleur Piercing Nose Austin/Septum
LeLUTKA – Head Fleur 2.0
Maitreya – Mesh Body – Lara
IKON – Promise Eyes