Mina Hair – Rosa, a long, rigged mesh, hairstyle, new and only available at We <3 Role-Play
This hair is materials ready. You need to use a viewer that supports materials. It is highly recommended to find out what windlight you like best to view the materials in this hair. Using the A-3PM windlight is a good one to start with.
Rosa will be released at We <3 Role-Play (October 4TH) 25% discount.
What: normal hair packs
When: from December 4TH till the end of the month
Price: 187 L$ (instead of 250 L$)
We <3 Role-Play:
Every 4th of each month WE <3 RP comes up with a set of awesome, legal designers that will offer you great deals for some of their items. 🙂
For more information about this event see: weloveroleplay.wordpress.com
Outfit: Coldlogic
Skin: League
Eyelashes: Maxi Gossamer
Eyes: MINA
This hair is also available in InWorldz