February 12, 2025

MINA Hair – Maya at UBER


Maya is our new release for the Aug/Sept round of Uber.

Maya is a beautiful long silky hair style with great volume! There are 84 different hair texture choices available on the accompanying HUD, along with a handy Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. The optional StyleHUD includes 4 different Strand choices that can be colored separately from the main hair color! The strand colors can be found on the Main HUD, on a separate tab. This hair is fitted and each pack has additional sizes; Standard, Standard Size M, Lara Petite, Lara Petite M, Bigger Breasts and Bigger Breasts M. The StyleHUD is sold separately.

Uber runs from August 25th to Sept 22nd
✦ TAXI to Uber

As always I will place a demo in the mainstore once the event starts.



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Outfit Credits:
Head – Lelutka Fleur
Body – Legacy
Skin – Tres Beau
Clothes – Kaithleen’s Janice Pencil Dress (also at Uber)
Tattoo – .: Vegas :.
Hairbase – Lelutka Hairbase 004
Eyeshadow – Izzie’s – LeLutka – Dark Soul Eyeshadow

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